$450.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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How To Make A Change In Your Biz

In just 8 weeks, make a change in your business.

This 1:1 coaching program is designed to help you make a change in 8 weeks. I want this to be impactful and easy for you to do. I've created new workbooks, new scripts, how to's and step by steps for you. 
Here are the topics I'm coaching on:
  • How to Overcome Being a People Pleaser
  • How to Raise Your Prices
  • How to Set and Hold Boundaries (without being resentful)
  • Customized coaching - a need in your business you'd like support with (getting and staying organized, hiring, opening a store front, or just weekly support)
Maybe we've coached on these topics before. Maybe you need a refresher, or a reset.
Maybe you've set some boundaries, but every time you tell a client "no" you feel awful. 
Maybe you just need more support with all the feelings, frustrations, and anxiety owning a business brings.
Maybe you're overwhelmed and exhausted by your clients and business.
Maybe you feel resentful more that you'd like to admit.
Maybe you want to make a change in your business, but you don't know where to start.
The program: 
  • 8 weeks (can be extended!)
  • $825 full pay or 2 payments of $450
  • Weekly 30-minute call, recorded in a private portal
  • Unlimited email support 
  • New, concise, easy to implement how to's  for the "How to Overcome Being a People Pleaser", "How to Raise Your Prices" and "How to Set and Hold Boundaries" programs. (The customized coaching is more weekly support, coaching and consulting - does not have specific how to's)